On Taking Risks While Mothering
When I was in third or fourth grade I decided that I wanted to be a “businesswoman.” I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant or how one prepared for that kind of life but I was always making something and selling it. At the time, my understanding of business meant having a product that people purchased. I wanted to make something that people bought and valued...I wanted my products to be consumed and appreciated in the marketplace.
I think being a mother has taken away the inhibitions that I might’ve had in my 20s. Mothering has with each day caused me to be a bit more fearless, which is interesting because you would think that once you bring a child into the world you’d get more cautious. Our kids’ presence in my life has caused me to become laser focused on what it is that I want to achieve. Their existence helps me visualize the impact that I can have in their lives and in the lives of the generations that follow in our family.
What professional risks have you taken since becoming a mother? Or, what risks are you afraid of taking as a result of being a mother?