Hi! I’m Petrushka
I build vibrant communities through products and programs allowing people to be more thoughtfully connected to each other.
I am an entrepreneur.
In 2017, my husband Nick and I opened Sugar Hill Creamery, Harlem’s first family-owned handmade ice cream shop since 1983. During the COVID-19 pandemic we opened two additional locations, one in West Harlem and the other in the Time Out Market in DUMBO, Brooklyn. Through our ice cream company, I founded a New Mom’s Group called SHMOMS, which stands for Sugar Hill Moms. Since 2018, we have supported 100+ mothers through an in-person and virtual during COVID support group geared towards connecting participants to each other as they navigate the first few months of their baby’s life.
During COVID, I also opened a coaching practice called askPetrushka. My practice was designed to support people looking to make career changes, start businesses, or start families in New York City. As an extension of my work with SHMOMS and my coaching practice, I send a weekly email to support mothers on their parenting journey. Sign up here to receive this weekly email.
I am an arts advocate and educator deeply invested in placemaking, community-building and the health of neighborhoods across New York City.
Prior to opening Sugar Hill Creamery with my husband, I worked as Vice President for Programs & Education at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Program Director at the Laundromat Project, a non-profit organization committed to building resilient neighborhoods using art, art making, and culture as platforms for meaningful exchanges between New York residents. In my spare time, I teach Art Education as an Adjunct Lecturer at City University of New York - City College and volunteer for different education-based initiatives in and around Harlem.